Volunteers needed for Nautical Days!

Hi snow riders!
We’re sending another call out for more volunteers for the Beer Garden at Nautical Days. Knowing what a great group off volunteers we have, many of you are longing step up and be of service….right?!
- Everyone is happy when you serve them a drink
- You get to work with other amazing people (and yes, you’re amazing just in case no one has told you today)
- You can help us to try and exceed what we raised lat year (approx $5,500)
- You’ll feel great having helped
NONE! (other than a small amount of your time)
We are looking for volunteers to help with setup on Friday Aug 2, servers with their “Serve it Right” and helpers to take orders, sales, and bus tables throughout the weekend, and finally a crew for final cleanup on Tuesday Aug 5.
This is our big “off season” fundraiser and it takes all of us who are available to help make it successful. The link to the online sign up document is below:
PS: If you know of anyone who would like to help that is either a past volunteer, a friend of VISAS, or anyone else who has a passion for helping, please forward this email and the link along!
VISAS 2024 Post Season Instructors Survey
Our thanks to the instructors who have completed the survey.
It would be greatly appreciated if everyone took a minute to fill out the online form.