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New Instructors

Volunteering with VISAS – We are a “Hands-on” Team

If you are interested in joining us as a VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTOR, please read the “General Information page” for IMPORTANT INFORMATION.

Please do NOT complete the questionnaire.  It is here for information only; the Training Coordinator will contact you directly after the Recruitment Meeting with a current questionnaire to complete at that time.

AFTER you have attended the INSTRUCTOR RECRUITMENT MEETING held on November 5th 2019 complete this questionnaire if you are hoping to join VISAS as a volunteer instructor. Please note, there are a limited number of passes available each year.


New Instructors Questionnaire

    *These dates change every year dependent on Resort opening dates

You will be contacted by the Training Coordinator;

If you have been accepted to take the CADS Level 1 Training; then you must complete your Instructor Profile on our VISAS Portal (before the first day of dryland training).

Please do NOT complete the Portal registration until you are advised to do so by the Training Coordinator

NOTE:  You will be required to obtain a Volunteer Membership with BCAS (BC Adaptive Snowsports) which will give you your *CADS membership NUMBER needed to complete your Portal registration and for your training. Cost is $48/year.

*CADS number: The Member ID number when you register through BCAS.

Inside the Portal:

  1. JOIN > New Member
  2. Enter User name (ie. jdoe) > Enter a password > Follow prompts
  3. Continue through each section until all information has been entered
  5. If you have missed anything, you will be directed to complete whatever it is and then you must Submit again
  6. If all is complete you will receive a notification to your email

Pay PARTICULAR ATTENTION to the following:

  • Your CONTACT INFORMATION: This will be used for scheduling and notification – it is VERY IMPORTANT that the Portal has your correct contact information
  • AVAILABILITY:  Select the day (AM/PM) of the week that you are committing to for the season (your Duty Day). (The expectation is 1 day per week throughout the ski season – last year that was 16 days).
    • Select “MAYBE” for any other days you are available and/or for Night Skiing. (This will be helpful for scheduling participants on the waitlist)
    • Black out any known dates that you are unavailable (update as the season progresses). Note: you are responsible for finding a replacement for duty days on which you are unavailable; the portal is helpful in that quest.
  • LEGAL PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED TO RECEIVE A VISAS VOLUNTEER SKI PASS: The Criminal Records Check (CRC) process takes up to 6 weeks.  If you cannot complete it online through the Portal, contact the Program Coordinator to request a “CRC REQUEST LETTER”, which can be delivered to your local RCMP detachment office.
    • Note: there is no charge for a CRC for a non-profit organization such as VISAS.

Consider joining our great team

Contact: Bob Hodgson

Click here to contact Bob via email.
V.I.S.A.S. Training Coordinator
Tel: (250) 339-6833