Gift of Flight – our 2023 Visas Westjet Raffle
has successfully applied for a Raffle License after a 3 year hiatus.
As you all know, we rely on Fundraising in order to operate.
We are counting on every Instructor to sell one or ideally 2 books each of 10 tickets for the amazing Prizes we were able to acquire.
Notice to 2022 – 2023 Returning Instructors
A note to all of our VISAS returning instructors:
If you have completed the online form on the Mt. Washington Ski Resort website and received notice of receipt, your pass for the season should be reactivated.
At this point all training sessions planned for this weekend are set to go, unless you hear otherwise.
Returning Instructors
RETURNING INSTRUCTORS INFORMATION After a couple of years hiatus, we will be meeting again in person for a Social Potluck gathering at the Lower Elks Lodge in Courtenay on Saturday October 15th at 5pm. We're hoping as many of you can attend! ONCE YOU RECEIVE...
New Instructors
Volunteering with VISAS - We are a "Hands-on" Team If you are interested in joining us as a VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTOR, please read the “General Information page” for IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Please do NOT complete the questionnaire. It is here for information only; the...
Become an Instructor (unfinished post now redirects to Instructors General Info page)
Become an Instructor (unfinished post now redirects to Instructors General Info page) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper...
Herb Bradley Challenge – Sunday, March 3rd, 2019
Herb Bradley Challenge – Sunday, March 3rd, 2019 Our major fundraising event of the year is the Herb Bradley Challenge, named in honour of our founder. This is a fun filled day on the mountain featuring a race for our students and a poker run/ski for anyone who...